Petitions, PQs, Motions & Official Record
Here we have listed, in reverse chronological order, Scottish Parliamentary business concerning elective home education, including Petitions, Questions & Written Answers, Motions, and links to the Official Record.
Scottish Parliament Petitions
Date Lodged: 13 June 2018
Calling on the Scottish Parliament to urge the Scottish Government to initiate an independent public inquiry into the impact on human rights of the routine gathering and sharing of citizens’ personal information on which its Getting It Right For Every Child (GIRFEC) policy relies.
A joint petition, submitted by the Scottish Home Education Forum and Tymes Trust (following their Families from the Fringe ‘alternative’ evidence gathering and consultation event on the Scottish Government’s information-sharing bill, now withdrawn) has been referred to the Education & Skills Committee for consideration.
Read the latest news on our petition here (updated May 2022).
Date Lodged: 20 August 2019
Calling on the Scottish Parliament to urge the Scottish Government to conduct an urgent review to identify children who are not registered with an Education Authority in Scotland and are being denied a basic human right to access an education suitable to age, ability and aptitude.
We opposed this petition. Read our critique and submission to the committee here.
This petition was closed on 8 October 2020:
The Committee agreed to close the petition under Rule 15.7 of Standing Orders on the basis that the Scottish Government is preparing a revised version of the statutory guidance on home guidance, and will be engaging with stakeholders as part of this process. Link to Official Report of Meeting 8 October 2020
Scottish Parliamentary Questions
- Parliamentary Questions on home education research recommendations (S6W-01413), training (S6W- 01415), complaints (S6W-01412, tackling home-eduphobia (S6W-01414) and issues around coercive control by former partners (S6W-01411) by Alexander Burnett MSP (July 2021)
- Parliamentary Question on home education guidance review update by Beatrice Wishart MSP (November 2020)
- Parliamentary Question on home educator specific Covid-19 guidance by Maurice Golden MSP (August 2020)
- Parliamentary Question on Covid guidance for ‘home schooling’ <sic> groups by James Kelly MSP (August 2020)
- Parliamentary Question on home education guidance update by Beatrice Wishart MSP (December 2019)
- Parliamentary Question on number of ‘home schooled’ <sic> children by Iain Gray MSP (May 2018)
- Parliamentary Question on access to SQA exams and qualifications for home educated young people by Liz Smith MSP (July 2017). [See also Question ref. S5W-10227 and Question ref. S5W-10228]
- Parliamentary Question on home education and ‘monitoring’ by Jackie Baillie MSP (September 2010)
- Parliamentary Question on home education and ‘notification’ by Jackie Baillie MSP (September 2010)
- Parliamentary Questions on home education by Robin Harper MSP (September 2010)
- Parliamentary Questions on home education ‘inspection’ by Margaret Smith MSP (August 2010)
- Parliamentary Question on frequency of (presumed) ‘inspection’ by Margaret Smith MSP (July 2010)
- Parliamentary Questions on home education by Duncan McNeil MSP (March 2010)
- Parliamentary Question on home education ‘inspection’ (March 2007)
- Parliamentary Question on home education and child protection by Scott Barrie MSP (April 2004)
- Parliamentary Questions on home education draft guidance (February 2002)
- Parliamentary Question on data protection legal advice re home education draft guidance by Donald Gorrie MSP (January 2002)
- Parliamentary Question on planned home education ‘guidelines’ by Colin Campbell MSP (August 2001)
- Parliamentary Question on statutory guidance for home education by Donald Gorrie MSP (October 1999)
Scottish Parliamentary Motions
- Parliamentary Motion on home education lodged by Robin Harper MSP (December 2005)
- Parliamentary Motion by Irene McGugan MSP: Draft Guidance for Home Education (January 2002)
Official Record
- Excerpt from speech by Irene McGugan MSP (9 January 2002)
What about the recently published draft guidance on home education, which was issued without proper account being taken of the views of the parents and children whom it would affect most? That seriously damaged relationships between families and local authorities. The document seeks to condone unlawful breaches of data protection and human rights legislation and has caused nothing but alarm in the home education community, prompting calls for it to be withdrawn forthwith. The Executive promised those who believe in home education a new future, but what are being delivered are the foundations of a police state.
- Standards in Scotland’s Schools Bill Stage 3 amendment: statutory guidance on home education (June 2000)
- Standards in Scotland’s Schools Bill Stage 2 amendment: home education consent anomaly (May 2000)
Proposed Member’s Bill