Some encouraging news from Graham Stuart MP has been reported on our forums:
“I’m meeting ministers next week to discuss home education and will be asking for urgent action to remind LAs of their actual duties (and powers). Whatever form that takes (and assuming they agree) I will seek to ensure that we get copies that can then be distributed to families to use in resisting the unwarranted and intrusive behaviour of so many councils.”
Such action is not without precedent. Scottish Education Minister Michael Russell has previously sent a public reminder to LAs in response to PQs from Robin Harper MSP, as reported by us here: Scottish Government upholds freedom of choice in education.
However, given the abject and continuing failure of LAs across the UK to adhere to the primary legislation, statutory guidance and guidelines which apply to elective home education, searching questions must surely be asked about the poor literacy and comprehension skills of council employees. Or is lying just part of the job description?
Either way, should we not be demanding a public inquiry? Is this the best they can do?