Home education guidance consultation published

The long-awaited home education guidance consultation has finally been published by the Scottish Government. For those who are ready to wade through the treacle, here is the link
We will be examining the document in detail but it looks disappointing from first skim. Maybe we have just been shouting into a void for the past four years as we have sought to engage constructively with the ‘revolving’ personnel in the home education team. 
There is plenty of time for home educators to have their say (closing date is 13 July 2022), not that we hold out much hope of a fair hearing due to the ingrained culture of home-eduphobia our community has had to endure for decades. It is regrettable that our dedicated research, including our 2020 Home Truths report and recommendations for improvements to the guidance, has remained unacknowledged.

This Twitter thread may be a helpful summary for those newer to the home education community (with apologies for our typo in the first tweet, which should obviously read ‘scotgov’). 


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