According to the beleaguered John Swinney, the “named person approach” will continue, despite the controversial policy having been withdrawn from law after a humiliating defeat in the Supreme Court.
Named Person ‘approach’ will continue reveals John Swinney
Mr Swinney said that while he accepted that the government’s work of Getting It Right For Every Child (GIRFEC) had not been “able to reach its full potential due to uncertainties arising out of the Supreme Court judgement on the named person issue”, he was not prepared to abandon the idea.
He said: “The named person approach will continue as an approach which is now well embedded and can be delivered within existing legislation in partnership with parents. This Government’s commitment to Getting it right for every child is therefore undiminished.”
And despite the worries over information sharing he added: “I have tasked officials to work with stakeholders to develop materials to support and promote proportionate and appropriate, information sharing practice.”
So the decaying parrot is being re-nailed to its GIRFEC perch as the smell of death becomes ever more noxious. It really is time to bury the rotting corpse and disband the cult of SHANARRI worshippers.